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°450 grams of frozen pineapple with your care Cut the pineapple into pieces and put in the freezer a few hours earlier or better, old
°20 cl of milk or vanilla soy milk (or 1 soy yogurt, or 2 small Swiss cheese, or 1 cow or sheep’s yogurt, or 200 grams of well-drained Minaj Refinery
°1 tablespoon vanilla (liquid or powder)
°10 tablespoons of agave syrup, you can replace it with honey or maple syrup

Texas Turtle Sheet Cake

  • instructions :

Put everything in the bowl of a food processor.
Start applying with short pulses, then blend honestly until you get the perfect creamy texture.
Serve immediately or freeze in a plastic container for no more than 4 hours, or the ice cream will lose its smoothness.

If you need to freeze the ice cream for a longer period, take it out 20 minutes before you eat it.



By KhaliL